OH1SDR Front Page

OH1SDR Details



2m/70cm dualband quad antenna

5m vertical multiband GP antenna

An 80 meter multiturn magnetic loop


HF + 2m SDR Transceiver

SDR Transceiver Version 2

2m - HF transverter

2m transverter for the SDR

Computer controlled Mobira RC25

Mobira MD59 on 70cm

Telcom TE-157 - remove the beep


Important links


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Last update 18.2.2008

The Dualband 2m/70cm Quad antenna project

I have been moving a lot lately and haven't had a change to have an permanent 2 meter antenna. Now when I've settled down with my beautiful, lovable wife Johanna, I finally got the change. I have been playing with one of the great VE3SQB's softwares, "VHF/UHF QUAD" which is AWESOME! Take a look at VE3SQB's homepage and take a loot at this great software I used for designing this 2m/70cm antenna.

Click the image below to view a series of pictures related to this project

Update 4.11.2006 01:16 a.m.

The antenna installation was SUCCESS!! SWR readings couldn't have been better. The best reading was there where it was supposed to be - the SSB section. With FT-897 we could copy OH2VHF over 100km away, easily.

Update 3.11.2006

Today is the big day! We will install the antenna to the roof with OH1MN. Some pictures will be posted soon.

Update 18.10.2006

The sanded parts of the antenna protected with paint. I used the same acrylic paint that is used for painting boats. It SHOULD handle UV and different weather conditions pretty well. I also connected cables (Ecoflex 10) to both 2 meter and 70 cm feeding elements. I also had time to make a PCB for the coaxial relay, so I need to run only one cable down from the roof and I can switch either 70cm or 2m antenna from inside. The antenna is ready to go up, to the roof!